Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Letter from Ida, June 1920

Miss E. M  Blackburn - Brown, 
11 Balfour Road,


113 Queen Street,


Margaret my dear, I'm just overjoyed about my little salts, they are prefect little things and I am so fond of them that I can't help feeling glad you didn't buy a photo frame. I didn't reaslise they were second hand till I read your note - one of the little spoons is rather bent, but I thought that had happened in the carriage - and I am all the more pleased that they are. I like old things and have not  a passion for new. I think you knew about the little old shop in Barnsley that I used to visit - but it had nothing so fine as these little salts. I'm so charmed with them and am very grateful to you for them and for the love of food ? that accompany them. I'll be letting you know later how they like their new abode and how they look on our table. They are already one of my cherished possessions. 

I am awfully sorry to hear that your father has been so unwell and hope now that the fine sunny weather has come  - we have had a week of it - he will feel better and happier. I do hope he will go away as often as he can, but doubtless it is more of a trouble to him. I wish you could fix something interesting for your summer holiday. I think I have mentioned Callander! It's a splendid place for day tours and there are lovely little walks near at hand. I didn't think you would like the hotel we stayed at. It was reccommended to us, but we weren't satisfied with it. The Caledonian was the one we thought we should like well. I think the terms were £4 or 4 Guineas weekly. Then  there is Arran that I've been hearing so much about in the last year or two. Everywhere says it is an ideal place for a holiday and not very expensive, but I'm sorry I don't know of any particular place in it. Miller (of ?) raves about it and knows lots of the small places. You get the sea and the hills too. 

Taynault on the West coast was reccommended ( I spelt it last time with two o's and am now doubtful what is right!) to us as a ? place for a holiday and not expensive. If you thought of Arran and Taynault I think I could find out more particularly about them. You don't want a big town like Edinburgh do you? 

Have you found a maid yet? We have had maid in since Friday. Our maid was to leave at the end of May to get married but stayed another fortnight and the hope is that we might get someone else. However, we have had no luck so far and at present are getting about comfortably, but mother is so apt to overdo things that I'll be very glad when another maid comes along. 

No, I didn't mention a wedding dress, because I haven't got one! Do you think that is dreadful? No guests and no wedding frock! I want to wear clothes that I can travel in and I find I look rather nice (!) in the light grey coat and skirt and a new little hat of Royal (I think) blue tulle with a greyish veil hanging down the back. Does it sound all right? I'll have a little snap taken in it sometime and let you see how it looks. By the way, about that other photo - I didn't order any of those you saw until a few weeks ago and they came last week, but I didn't like it myself and you didn't like it much, so that I'll keep off sending it until there is no hope of having another one taken. The home people like it. 

Did I tell you that Mr. Hillelson was having difficulty in getting about? Cairo and Alexandria are evidently full of  people clamouring for passages. He secured one on June 1st, but it is on a boat that has to call at Cyprus and ? and probably other places and will take him three weeks in reaching London. Still, he thinks he is fortunate in getting it. He was a fortnight in London before coming North which will bring the time well into July. I heard yesterday that the "best man" that was, he must leave this country at the end of June - he is home on leave from Kherton(?). 

I've been playing golf lately and am improving, but how badly improvement was needed. Our  course is a beautiful over -  ?  Doesn't see much beauty in the Kherton (?) course. Tennis was played just once - I haven't time for both. Fortunately however, practically all the sewing is finished. I had another new dress last week, made by Miss Lawrence's sister, old rose Liberty material (I don't know what it is called, but it is lovely) with grey froyette(?) frills at neck and sleeves and from the waist down both sides - a little alive(?) evening dress. It suits me. There's a white afternoon frock in the making and I'm asking her to make up some material we have here. Jean and I daren't tackle it. We haven't the knack of making dresses.

I'm awfully glad Miss Slmema (?) has been saying nice things to you  and didn't think she is the kind of woman to say what she doesn't think, so please take them as true and be encouraged. How we used to long for a little encouragement at Barnsley. I'm sorry Atkins is going but you thought it very probable. Will you have anyone else to live with you?  The new maths  sounds rather formidable, so I expect you won't invite her. I do hope she will prove more amiable than she appears and will give you no worry. I had a letter from (?) matron today. She is going to be very sorry to go in July  - to Bedford  High School. 

I'll let you know later when the day is fixed. 

Very much love to you and my heartfelt thanks.

Yours very lovingly, 


P.S My love to all at home. 

From: 113 Queen St. Peterhead.

To:  11 Balfour Road, Preston, Lancs. 

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